Laurie Culling

"I am inspired by light, shadow, textures, colors, shapes, movement, patterns and veils... All of these elements are gifts of nature's delicate, mysterious, and powerful influence in our lives, our consciousness, and our human evolution." ~Laurie Culling
Laurie received a "2002 Phoenix Award in Visual Arts" in recognition of artistic achievement and contributions of over 25 years to the Lawrence arts community. Her work has been exhibited extensively in solo, group and juried shows, and she has received numerous awards. She has traveled widely in Europe, Japan, the U.S. and has lived in West Germany and West Virginia, where she had several one-woman shows. Laurie is active in the arts community and has served in many leadership positions. She has called Lawrence home since 1970.
Shadow Portrait of Laurie by Susan Jordan
2002 "Phoenix Award for Visual Arts", sponsored by Lawrence Arts Commission
1993, 87, 84, 82, 81 Kansas Artists’ Postcard Competition - ACAAK
1993 Best of Show - Art in the Park, sponsored by Lawrence Art Guild
1992 Top Prize 2-Dimensional Art - Art in the Park, Lawrence Art Guild
1988 Representing artist for Bert Nash Community Mental Health Center
1981 Top Prize - Douglas County Juried Painting Show, Lawrence Art Guild
Corporate and Museum Owned Work
2000-02 First Affirmative Financial Network (3 paintings), Lawrence, KS
2001 First State Bank & Trust, Lawrence, KS
2001 FIRSTAR Bank Without Boundaries, Lawrence, KS
1988 First National Bank (3 paintings), Lawrence, KS
1986 Eldridge Hotel Suites (10 paintings), Lawrence, KS
1986 Halcyon House Bed & Breakfast, Lawrence, KS
1983 “Four Seasons”, Summerfield Business School, U of Kansas
1982 “Ocean” permanent piece in Classroom Museum Collection, Spencer Museum of Art, KU
Favorite quotes
“Art is my gift to others, creating is my gift to myself” ~Ron Tepley, WV artist
“Artists are like herding cats.” ~Jerry Bottenfield, Downtown Lawrence Assoc.
“I had three chairs in my house: one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society.” ~Nancye Green
“Without art, the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable.” ~George Bernard Shaw
"The task of the artist is to see more keenly than others the harmony of the world, the beauty and the outrage of what [wo}man has done to it, and poignantly, to let people know. Art warms even an icy and depressed heart, opening it to lofty, personal experience. By means of art we are sometimes sent dimly, briefly, revelations unattainable by reason, like that little mirror in the fairly tales. Look into it and you will see not yourself, but for a moment, that which passes understand-ing, a realm to which no [wo]man can ride or fly and for which the soul begins to ache." ~Alexander Solzehenitsy
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